In House Auto Financing For Bad Credit
If you're in the market for a used car, truck, van or SUV and have bad credit, Carnes Motor Company can help! We are located in South Houston, Texas and provide in house auto financing for people with bad credit. We have a wide array of used vehicles available with affordable monthly payments and down payments.
Bad credit can make it challenging when buying a used car, truck, van or SUV. We provide in house financing that allows you to make your payments directly to us instead of a traditional bank or credit union. In house financing makes it simple and easy to purchase a quality used vehicle if you have less than perfect credit.
Carnes Motor Company helps people with bad credit get auto financing. Regardless of your past credit history we can help. This includes people with no credit, bad credit including bankruptcy, charge-offs, divorce, slow-pays and other credit issues. We want to help you get back on the road. and re-establish your credit history as we report to the credit bureaus.
Take some time and check out our inventory online. Come in for a test drive and leave with in house auto financing. We look forward to serving you and hope to see you soon!